Dear Apple Cider, sorry I took you for granted

Apple cider. I took you for granted.This week at school I handed out some local apple cider (non alcoholic of course) samples that were donated to the kitchen. Being October and all, I thought it would be a nice treat to the students. What I failed to realize was how many kids HAD NEVER HAD APPLE CIDER BEFORE! Many people, and a certain demographic, knows all about apple cider, plans trips around apple cider making and purchasing, and goes gaga over apple cider.Apple cider, a beverage produced from apples that would not be best consumed raw, is an enjoyable drink; a drink I grew up on, seasonally of course. Many kids don’t know what apple cider is. They can tell you all 100 plus products of the CoCa Cola company but they can’t name a natural, historic, beverage that is made naturally at this time every year since the beginning of time. It’s sad. But, the apple cider glass is still have full here and so despite being shocked, we used it as a golden opportunity to talk to the students during those few breakfast meal periods about apples, seasonal produce, apple cider making, and had them try it. Did everyone like it? No. But, some did, and some walked away liking something new they had never tried before. That’s what cooking is all about, right!?Happy fall! And happy cider drinking.


Food Day(s)


Slow Food, Hot Spices: Indian Cooking From The Hearth