How Can We Get a Good, Clean, Fair Farm Bill?

Part of the Slow Food mission is promoting good, clean, and fair food and farm systems in any way that we can. Typically people think about good, clean, and fair food in the context of eating, but you can also support the type of food and food systems you value though policy engagement and advocacy. Right now the 2018 Farm Bill is being debated in Congress – the farm bill is a MASSIVE package of legislation that is renewed every five years and affects everything about our food system. Contrary to what you might think from the name, this bill impacts all of us – not just farmers! If you care about local food, family farmers, and healthy food access for all families, the time to get involved and influence the 2018 Farm Bill is now. Take five minutes to influence the next five years of food and farming in America. Click here and tell Congress TODAY that you want a 2018 Farm Bill that supports good, clean, and fair food!

  • Additional Resources:
    • Slow Food USA Food and Farm Policy Portal: Check out Slow Food USA's Food & Farm Policy page to learn more about Slow Food's priorities and actions on the 2018 Farm Bill. You can also find policy related highlights and check out a very cool, interactive farm bill policy map showing all House and Senate Agriculture Committee members, as well as Slow Food Governor locations.
    • The Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP) is currently being considered by the Farm Bill Conference Committee. This innovative program would support vibrant local food systems, farmers markets, and help hungry families access healthy food. Click here to learn more about LAMP, and you can click here to look up your members of Congress if you want to contact them and tell them to "Light the LAMP for local food!". 

The Origins of Slow Food – Or How to Start a Global Movement with Pasta


Seasonal Recipe: Squash Blossom Tempura