Take the $5 Challenge!

When Carlo Petrini founded Slow Food back in 1986, it was in reaction to the proliferation of fast food culture in Italy, which was undermining the traditions and quality of the Italian diet.Today we know the fast food "value meal," readily available for around five dollars, is anything but. The cost in subsidies, healthcare, labor exploitation, and extinction to local varieties and local cuisines make it very expensive indeed. And who's to say you cannot eat a healthy, "slow food" meal for five dollars?This is the spirit of the $5 Challenge. Pledge to take back the value meal. Find someone hosting a meal or go ahead and arrange to host one yourself.  And if you're lucky, I'll come and bring the dessert! Apple crisp anyone? I picked the apples myself.


1st Annual Snail of Approval Awards Party


3rd year and the First Lady