What Does a Healthy Diet Look Like? World Food Day Poster Contest


Thanks to all who joined us Saturday, October 26 for to celebrate World Food Day. In particular, many thanks to Brian at Busboys and Poets' Anacostia location for arranging the beautiful space and delicious snack platters. And an extra special thanks to our friendly and educational tabling partners from DC Greens, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and Dine Diaspora. We all had some great conversations over Dine Diaspora's origins of spices game, giveaway goodies like DC Greens' DC food justice pins and grow-your-own-basil kits from FAO, and poster materials.

In case you missed our in-person poster making party and gallery walk, it's not too late to enter the global FAO World Food Day poster competition. The competition is open to poster artists aged 5 to 19. Official rules and requirements, and the link to upload your entry, can be found here. The deadline for submissions is November 8, 2019.


Raising the Profile of Sustainable Fish and Seafood


Oct 26: World Food Day poster contest and celebration!