Event Recap: Farm Bill Discussion
Photo credit: Austen Musso
By Christina Badaracco, Slow Food Board Member
Slow Food DC was pleased to partner with Patagonia Washington DC and National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC) to lead a discussion about the farm bill on August 17, 2024. As the current farm bill is scheduled to expire on 9/30/24 and needs to be reauthorized, this was a very timely discussion to help inform interested taxpayers, voters, and consumers.
Christina from Slow Food DC’s board (and Slow Food USA’s Food and Farm Policy Team) first presented about the farm bill’s programs, history, and myriad impacts on the food system. NYFC’s Government Relations Director, Vanessa García Polanco, then presented about implications for young and beginning farmers and her organization’s important work in advocating for equitable resources for America’s new generation of working farmers. Finally, they responded to the audience’s many thoughtful questions about consumers’ opportunities to make a positive impact, implications for child nutrition, connections to tax benefits, and other concepts. To conclude the evening, Slow Food DC shared information and resources with attendees and Christina shared copies of her book, The Farm Bill: A Citizen’s Guide.
Thank you to Patagonia for hosting us, to Vanessa from NYFC for sharing your expertise, and for our audience members for their interest and engagement throughout the discussion! You can refer to the Slow Food USA and NYFC websites for more information about our farm bill advocacy efforts and recommended resources.