School Year Wrap Up

My year ends in August; not December.For folks in school food August is the time to get away for a few weeks and come back ready to hit the ground running. This year I’ll be taking some much needed family time in NJ and NYC but the reality is, I’ll be thinking about Washington and the student’s I’ll get to meet and feed next year.For the last year I have worked mostly with two schools and consulted on a dozen or so. It’s been an amazing year of working with middle school boys, college kids, toddlers, and of course the Spanish speaking emersion high school. Many demographics, many ages, many social economic backgrounds have taught me many things about food, people, and more importantly, how communities can come together using food as a tool. Next year wont be any different….except for the fact that I’ll have a one acre farm outside my office that I can walk to, harvest, and prepare food for the school with.This tool, having a working, growing farm on a school campus, right behind the home of the President is pretty exciting. Big things are going to happen next year and I’m exciting to work with all of the new faces. I’m excited to teach them why food is so important to your life and how it brings people together.Vacation….how do you go on vacation when you love what you do?


Garden Party: Annual Community Garden Day


July 30: Basil Bonanza at Marion Street Garden