Slow Food DC and area cyclists get their hands dirty in school gardens....

school garden bike tour, at h.d.cooke, june 2013

Many thanks to Farmer Kristin at Radix Farm* for the beautiful plants that were transplanted at H.D. Cooke Elementary, the final stop on the DC School Garden Bike Tour! Actually, we should give a big round of thanks all around: to the folks who helped to organize and run the tour -- the good folks at BicycleSpace (who, incidentally, brought along my favorite cycling accessory ever: the bike trailer boom box), OSSE, school garden managers and students, and some of our very own Slow Food DC board members -- and the generous cyclists who together raised over $400 to fund a much-needed school garden project, one which we collectively voted on at the end of the tour, while scarfing delicious burritos donated by the local Chipotle.Here we are just moments before voting...and scarfing. Oh, the anticipation!school garden bike tour, at h.d.cooke, june 2013 - 2Congratulations to Kid Power and the student gardeners at Jefferson Middle School, who we hope will give us updates soon on the tool shed they've built at their SW DC garden with the funds. Looking forward to more school garden tours in the future!

school garden bike tour, june 2013, slow food dc board members*You may have heard of Radix Farm at the Petworth farmers' market. Or perhaps you are one of Radix's CSA members. Or you may remember farmer Kristin as one of last year's Snail of Approval winners. Actually, speaking of the Snail of Approval awards, keep your eyes peeled for information in our upcoming newsletter about the next round of awards, with another fantastic gathering to be held this September....


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